Saturday, February 22

Nueva Vizcaya sanitary inspectors visit FCF Minerals for benchmarking

FCF EDUCATIONAL MINE TOUR PROGRAM. Some 13 members of the League of the Sanitation Inspectors of Nueva Vizcaya visit the London-based FCF Minerals Corp. to benchmark the company’s Runruno Gold Project at Barangay Runruno, Quezon, Nueva Vizcaya on September 1, 2023. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS


QUEZON, Nueva Vizcaya (September 2, 2023)—The League of the Sanitation Inspectors of Nueva Vizcaya visited the London-based FCF Minerals Corporation’s Runruno Gold Project for benchmarking on September 1, 2023.

Lorne Harvey, FCF Minerals Corp. general manager for operations, said the league of sanitation inspectors in the province was welcomed to visit the mine site under their Educational Mine Tour program.

Harvey said the company introduced to some 13 members of the league of sanitation inspectors in the province the company’s operations and best practices from safety, environment, mining and process plant operation to social engagement.

Aside from the regular areas visited during their tour, the inspectors also visited the site kitchen and water refilling station to check on its sanitary aspect.

The sanitary inspectors led by Sanitary Engineer Humber Domingo of the Provincial Environmental Health and Sanitation Services office, thanked FCF for the accommodation and for sharing their best practices in responsible mining.

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