Wednesday, March 5

NGCP continues to exceed performance targets

NGCP continues to improve the overall performance of the transmission grid since taking over as the country’s sole transmission service provider in 2009.

Among the key indicators in which it continues to outperform is the Frequency of Tripping (FOT) which measures the number of times high-voltage transmission lines tripped or experienced forced outages for every 100 circuit kilometers (ckm). 

NGCP’s 2020 performance shows a significant decrease in tripping incidents across all three major island grids. 

In Luzon, the number has gone down significantly from 3.985 in 2008 to 0.932 in 2020, marking a 76.6 percent decrease in tripping incidents, Visayas recorded 4.542 to 0.335, a decrease of 92.6 percent and for Mindanao, the number went from 7.951 to 0.504, a decrease of 93.6 percent.

“The FOT is the most tangible proof of our performance felt by end-users. Our improved numbers are attributed to the continuous improvement and upgrading projects such as wood pole replacement, substation additions, capacitor bank projects, and new transmission lines, effectively reinforcing the stability and reliability of the grid in any condition,” the NGCP said.

NGCP also improved the capability of the grid to mitigate the impact of power interruptions on overall grid operations, which are measured by the System Availability (SA) indicator and System Interruption Severity Index (SISI).

In 2020, Luzon’s SA scored 99.208 percent, Visayas at 99.764 percent, and Mindanao at 99.736 percent. For the SISI, Luzon only recorded 0.869 system minutes of interruptions in 2020 compared to 9.537 in 2008; 10.010 from 83.559 in Visayas; and 9.124 from 10.434 in Mindanao. 

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All three grids have significantly reduced, if not completely eliminated, violations on frequency and voltage limits. The Luzon grid in particular reported 100 percent, or no violations in frequency limit compliance (FLC) since 2010. 

FLC refers to the percentage of time where the system frequency is within the allowable range of 60 ± 0.3 Hertz, which is the optimal operating frequency of the transmission system.

“We are pleased to report that since NGCP commenced operations in 2009, we have continuously performed over and above our targets year-on-year. This is a result of the company’s relentless efforts to continuously upgrade, expand, and improve transmission facilities. We assure our stakeholders that our ongoing projects and programs seek only to further improve our services,” the company added.

NGCP’s performance indicator ratings are the basis of its incentives, as indicated in the Performance Incentive Scheme (PIS) which is approved every regulatory period and monitored by the Energy Regulatory Commission.

NGCP is a Filipino-led, privately owned company in charge of operating, maintaining and developing the country’s power grid, led by majority shareholders and Vice Chairman of the Board Henry Sy, Jr. and Co-Vice Chairman Robert Coyiuto, Jr. (PR)