Saturday, February 22



Quarantined—I don’t remember which day it was—I was watching the movie, “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” starring Ben Stiller.

This is about a man living a dull life dreams up romantic and action-filled scenarios in order to escape from monotony.

When his own job is threatened, he sets out on a real romantic and action-packed journey.

In Walter’s snowy mountain trekking activity, his nature photographer company, while focusing on his target, asked Walter to keep still for the photographer to get a good shot of his subject.

Walter must have been intending to make me grin when he said “Ghost cat” pertaining to the photographer’s target.

In the middle of their conversation, Walter said, “Beautiful things don’t ask for attention.”

I thought to myself, what have we been doing all the days of our lives…are we not beautiful creations of God that most of the time we tend to seek attention?

Have we become attention seekers and turned oblivious of how He, our God, makes all things beautiful?

Berean Study Bible says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom the work that God has done from beginning to end.” (Eclessiastes 3:11)

From where I am quarantined, I see mountains, trees, plants, flowers, chirping birds (I don’t see people around), the sky, the sun, among many others God created, they are so beautiful.

The coronavirus pandemic is so ugly that it globally seeks attention. But the effect of it all is so beautiful that we now focus our hearts and minds on Him. #StaySafeAtHome#PrayForProtectionAndHealing

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