Friday, February 21

NVizcaya prepares bamboo propagules for BBBP

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources in Nueva Vizcaya has recorded a total of 2,155 hectares of National Greening Program area. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO


BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya (April 7)—Workers of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) here are preparing bamboo propagules for the government’s National Greening (NGP) and Build Back Better Program (BBBP).

Provincial Environment and Natural Resources officer Edgar Martin said their recent potting and sowing of bamboo propagules conducted at their Clonal Nursery in Diadi town resulted in the production of 2,500 planting materials

“This is part of our Individual Employees Commitment to the NGP which was participated by 52 workers,” he said.

Martin said they are planning to produce 250 seedlings per personnel every semester which will be used for the replanting and enrichment of graduated NGP areas with low survival rate and rehabilitation of riverbanks in the province.

For replanting and enrichment, the environment office has recorded a total of 2,155 hectares of NGP area.

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