Friday, February 21

Help pours for NVizcaya PDLs infected with Covid


BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya (April 14)—Various assistance continues to pour in for the persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) at the Provincial Jail due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic.

Provincial Jail Warden Carmelo Andrada said they have temporarily suspended the regular visits of the PDLs relatives and loved ones as 67 of them including five Jail Guards have been infected with Covid-19 as of April 12.

The infected PDLs who are suffering mild effects of  Covid-19 have been isolated at the Boy Scout Jamboree site in Barangay Masoc here while the asymptomatic ones were transferred to nearby buildings.

“We have coordinated with the Philippine National Police (PNP) to secure them properly while our PDLs who were isolated and recuperating outside the Provincial Jail,” Andrada said.

Dr. Edwin Galapon, Provincial Integrated Health Office (PIHO chief, said they have assigned nurses from the Nueva Vizcaya Provincial Hospital (NVPH) to monitor the health condition and safety of the PDLs.

The Integrated Bar of Philippines (IBP) – Nueva Vizcaya Chapter through its President, Provincial Legal Officer Voltaire Garcia and Auditor lawyer Christopher Ibay recently delivered free hygiene kits and vitamins for the PDLs.

The Nueva Vizcaya Frontline Warriors ( NVCCLI), Governor Carlos Padilla, provincial government, Provincial General Services Office (PGSO) Chief Emely Ganacias and Kathylyn Marcelo and former Governor Ruth Padilla also gave assistance and donations to the PDLs.

Donor Rosario Padilla also gave free medicines, face shields, salt and food, among others to the PDLs while the PIHO, Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office, PGSO and Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office also continue to provide assistance to the PDLs of the Provincial Jail.

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