Tuesday, January 21

DTI, London-based FCF reinforce ties for MSME development

The Department of Trade and Industry in Nueva Vizcaya and the London-based FCF Minerals Corporation once more demonstrated their commitment to develop and strengthen the entrepreneurial skills of the community-based organizations in the gold deposit-rich Barangay Runruno in Quezon town as they reinforced their partnership for micro, small and medium enterprises development. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya (February 10, 2023)—The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) here and the London-based FCF Minerals Corp. are bent on developing and strengthening the entrepreneurial skills of the residents in the upland mining village of Runruno in Quezon town.

DTI-Nueva Vizcaya Director Marietta Salviejo said their collaboration with FCF Minerals to support community-based organizations (CBO) in Barangay Runruno is to reinforce their partnership for micro, small and medium (MSME) development.

Salviejo said areas for collaboration with FCF Minerals through various projects and activities include advanced loom weaving training; facilitation of FCF-CBOs participation in various provincial, and regional and national fairs.

“We are also into collaboration with FCF Minerals for MSMEs on the business improvement plan and business plan preparation workshops; and the digital journey for micro-enterprises or DJ4ME Runruno Edition,” she added.

DTI Business Development Division Chief Lenore Lee Lopez lauded FCF Minerals for coming up with this initiative.

“All we need for this partnership to be successful like in our previous undertakings is a good working relationship between both parties,” said DC Lopez representing Salviejo in an earlier meeting with FCF Minerals.

Amy Fe Ada, FCF Minerals Medium Scale Enterprise Development specialist, thanked the DTI for their unrelenting support of the corporation’s various Social Development and Management Programs to uplift the lives of residents in the mining area and vowed to sustain a strong partnership with the government agency. LEANDER C. DOMINGO

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