DA boosts NVizcaya citrus sector
KASIBU, Nueva Vizcaya (August 31)—To boost the citrus industry in this upland town, the Department of Agriculture-Nueva Vizcaya Experiment Station (DA-NVES) has introduced a balanced fertilization and pesticide use strategy, particularly in the citrus plantation in the villages of Binogawan and Malabing.
According to Gov. Carlos Padilla, citrus production in the province of Nueva Vizcaya began when farmers started planting citrus in Malabing Valley in this town.
Padilla said it was in the late 1960s when Alfonso Namujhe Jr. started planting citrus in the province the moment he discovered that the mountain soil and temperature are both ideals for citrus growth.
"Nueva Vizcaya is also becoming well-known for our citrus fruits. Our rich farmlands boast to pr...